What is The Use? Needs and Means of Making Biennials Under Pandemic | WCSCD 2020/21 Annual Lecture Series

The curatorial program What Could/Should Curating Do is proud to be continued in 2021 with public program through lecture series
The sixth talk in the 2020/21 series is titled:
“What is The Use? Needs and Means of Making Biennials Under Pandemic”
A talk/walk through Prizren in preparation of Autostrada Biennale
with Övül Ö. Durmusoglu and Joanna Warsza
Date: February 5, 2020
Time: 12:00 pm Belgrade / 10:00 pm Melbourne / 07:00 pm Shanghai / 6:00 am New York
Venue: zoom link
Meeting ID: 985 237 3109
Live stream/Facebook link

Credit: A research for Autostrada Biennale, National Library of Kosovo, 2020
“The presentation takes form of a walk live from our second research trip to Prizren under continuing lockdown. Times of challenge for humanity’s unsustainable habits, patterns of living and producing on the planet have arrived. In this ongoing pandemic experience, the formats of content production in contemporary art, especially large-scale exhibitions called biennales need to rethink themselves. While art and culture should remain on the life necessities agenda, our questions and claims as curators need to find a down-to-earth resonance with current needs, limits and means.
After ‘Die Balkone’, a public art initiative in windows and balconies of Berlin’s Prenzlauer Berg, Övül and Joanna welcomed the invitation by the very young Autostrada Biennial initiated by two artists and an educator in Kosovo. The onsite conversations with artists, writers, cultural producers, activists, politicians lead to projects and stories in need of being heard; which motivated the working question around ‘two ends of the road and mutual needs’.
Therefore, the biennale will not be cancelled but rooted locally in what we call ‘intimate infrastructure’. As we take the viewers on a walk “What is The Use?”, we will talk about the concept of biennale as resistance and the upcoming Autostrada Biennale as a journey where tools of care and unpredictability are part of their emergency kit on the road trip to the present, from Berlin to Kosovo and back. Or somewhere in between”.

Joanna Warsza and Övül Ö. Durmusoglu co-curate Die Balkone in Berlin in 2020 and 2021, and Autostrada Biennale in Kosovo in summer 2021. Foto: Christian Lohse
About Speaker
Övül Ö. Durmusoglu is mentor and program co-leader in the Graduate School in University of the Arts in Berlin and a visiting professor for Art and Discourse in University of the Arts Braunschweig. In her multifaceted practice as curator, writer and educator, she researches intersectional forms and narratives of contemporary political subjectivities. Övül was one of the curators for the Steirischer Herbst festival in Graz; curator/director for YAMA public screen in Istanbul; artistic director for the Sofia Contemporary 2013 ‘Near, Closer, Together: Exercises for a Common Ground’. She curated different programs for the 10th, 13th and 14th Istanbul Biennials; coordinated and organized different programs and events at Maybe Education and Public Programs for dOCUMENTA (13).
Joanna Warsza is a Program Director of CuratorLab at Konstfack University of Arts in Stockholm, and an independent curator interested in how art functions politically and socially outside the white cubes. She was the Artistic Director of Public Art Munich 2018, curator of the Georgian Pavilion at the 55th Venice Biennale, head of public programs for Manifesta 10 in St. Petersburg and an associate curator of the 7th Berlin Biennale among others. She is an editor of more than ten publications in the areas of public art, politics, performativity and feminist theory. Lately she co-edited with Michele Masucci and Maria Lind, Red Love, a Reader on Alexandra Kollontai (Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2020).
WHAT COULD/SHOULD CURATING DO? (WCSCD) was initiated and funded in 2018 in Belgrade as an educational platform around notions of curatorial. From 2020 WCSCD started to initiate its own curatorial inquiries and projects that should unpack above -mentioned complexities keeping educational component as a core to the WCSCD.
The WCSCD curatorial program and series of public lectures have been initiated and organized by Biljana Ciric.
WCSCD 2020/2021 public program series has been done in collaboration with Division of Arts and Humanities, Duke Kunshan University and they co-stream all public lectures.
Strategic media collaboration is done with Seecult and they will co-host all public lecture series.
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