WCSCD emergency grant announces grant recipients

We are honored that we can give a symbolic contribution to colleagues and peers in the region through emergency grant. Participants of the program have selected three grants recipients:
Sasa Rakic cartoonist based in Pancevo (Serbia), creating comics under the pseudonym of Aleksandar Zograf. www.aleksandarzograf.com
Adela Jusic artist based in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), cofounder Association for Culture and Art Crvena, one of the creators of Online archive of Antifascist struggle of women of B&H and Yugoslavia (adelajusic.wordpress.com www.afzarhiv.org)
Agata Lucic artist based in Zagreb (Croatia) (https://www.behance.net/agatalucic)
We would like to thank all applicants for reaching to us.
WCSCD will continue finding ways supporting community so please stay in touch with us.
About Grant:
In light of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the art community, the What Could Should Curating Do has created 3 grants of 450 euros for artists, curator, art practitioners working on visual arts whose work and livelihood has been affected due to impacted by the economic fallout from postponed or canceled exhibitions and projects. Colleagues in former Yugoslav Region are eligible to apply.
Emergency grant has been supported through the online curatorial program Post-Pandemic Condition with mentors Natasa Petresin Bachelez, Maria Lind and Biljana Ciric.
Online program participants: Louise Hobson, Ainsle Roddick, Kirsty Màiri Robertson, Aglaya Zhdanova, Julia Gelezova, Ariana Kalliga, Cushla Donaldson, Teodora Jeremic, Sophie Davis, Dunja Rmandic, Agata Szymanek, Amal Al Ali, Yin Shuai.