WCSCD Annual Lecture Series 2022

WCSCD Annual Lecture Series 2022
Presented in collaboration with Kolarac
Educational program What Could Should Curating Do Annual lecture series 2022 is proud to partner with Kolarac this year
Number of mentors of this years educational program will have public moment during stay in Belgrade to share their own practice.
As every year this will not be possible without kind support from colleagues and institutions in Serbia and around the world including Kadist Foundation, Italian Cultural Institute of Belgrade, The Group of Architects, Embajada De Espana en Belgrado who support our vision towards pedagogies.
Public lectures will be as usual free of charge and open to public.
Public lecture series will start in November and we are proud to present following speakers this year.
November 9th 2022 18:00
Hajnalka Somogyi is a curator based in Budapest. Since 2014, she has worked as leader and co-curator of OFF-Biennále Budapest, which she initiated. In 2022, OFF-Biennale is participating at documenta fifteen as member of ‘lumbung interlokal’.
November 30th 2022 18:00
Aslıhan Demirtaş is a practicing architect, artist, writer and educator. Her practice is situated on and around the boundaries of disciplines engaged in making, often in the forms of buildings, gardens and art projects, while searching for a revised mode of existence and practice on our planet. She lives in Istanbul and together with Ali Cindoruk runs KHORA Office, a climate for design, making and thinking.
December 5th 2022 18:00
Massimiliano Mollona teaches anthropology at Department of the Arts at Bologna University and at Goldsmiths College, London. His practice is being situated at the intersection of pedagogy, art and activism which he explores from within projects he co-initiated like the Institute of Radical Imagination and the Laboratory of Urban Commons (Athens).
December 13th 2022 18:00
Amelie Aranguren, head of artistic programming at INLAND’s Center for the Aproach to the Rural (CAR) in Madrid and Inland member since 2010.