WCSCD 2020/21 Annual Lecture Series

In 2020/21 we continue our curatorial program online. As world we are living and working has changed we are also learning how to practice care across distance as core to curatorial.
We are proud to announce that this year we will continue our annual lecture series but online.
We will present number of lectures starting from November 2020 through march 2021.
WCSCD will be working with number of institutions including Duke University Kunshan in Shanghai and Seecult in Belgrade among others.
First Lecture in series is by Luca Lo Pinto on November 10th 2020, 12.00 am Belgrade time.
Luca has been our mentor last year and we are happy to welcome him back.
Lecture to follow will be in zoom and live-streamed on Facebook.
Save the date for November and December lectures:
November 10th Luca Lo Pinto
November 28th Suzana Milevska
December 10th Ekaterina Degot and David Riff
January 7, 2021 Lisa Rosendahl
January 12, 2021 Natasa Petresin-Bachelez
Dates for lectures from January to march 2021 will be announced in December 2020
WCSCD 2020 curatorial program has been made possible thanks to number of institutions who continue to support our vision even in these uncertain times:
Instituto Italiano Di Cultura Belgrado
Austrijski kulturni forum Beograd,