The educational program What Could/Should Curating Do is proud to announce lecture by Massimiliano Mollona hosted by Kolarac

Venue: Student square no 5
Date: December 5th 2022 18:00 Small Hall
On constellations and earth
by Aslıhan Demirtaş
Taking departure of his recently published book Art/Commons that looks at the commons from the perspectives of contemporary art history and anthropology, focusing on the ongoing tensions between art and capitalism, lecture will trace relationship between the art and commons through practice of Institute of Radical Imagination that Mollona is engaged in. The lecture is grounded in an analysis of contemporary artistic and curatorial practices, which the author describes as practices of commoning, based on co-production, participation, mutualism and the valorization of reproductive labour. Mollona proposes a novel theoretical approach to current debates on the commons, and shows that art can provide both a language of anti-capitalist and post-colonial critique as well as a distinctive set of skills and practices of commoning.

About Speaker

Massimiliano (Mao) Mollona is a writer, filmmaker, and anthropologist. He is associate professor at the Department of the Art (DAR) at the University of Bologna. He has a multidisciplinary background in economics, anthropology and visual art, and his work focuses on the relationship between art and political economy, with a specific angle on work, class, and post-capitalist politics. His fieldworks combine pedagogy, artistic prefiguration, and activism. He is a co-founder and member of the collective freethought; the Institute of Radical Imagination (IRI); and the Laboratory for the Urban Commons, (LUC) Athens.
The event is free and open to the public.
The WCSCD educational program and series of public lectures have been initiated and organized by Biljana Ciric.
The lecture by Massimiliano Mollona is supported by Instituto Italiano di Cultura Belgrado.
Project Partners

We thank following partners for supporting selected participants for 2022 program:
Romanian Cultural Institute. Artcom platform , Kadist Foundation, William Demant Foundation
For more information about the program, please refer to
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